CRISPR Construction Services
Genome Editing
RGN1 For in-vitor Transcription T7 Promoter
RGN6 For in-vitor Transcription T7 Promoter / CAG Promoter
RGN1D pZG11D01 For in-vitor Transcription T7 Promoter / Nickase Cas9 D10A / need 1 Pair
CAG Promoter and T7 Prpmoter / cU6 Proomter / Puro + T2A + EGFP
For Cell Line : Please select CMV or CAG Promoter / Puromycine or Neomycin
RGN3 G/R/Y (pZG12C02G/R/Y) For Cell Line : Please select CMV or CAG Promoter / Fluorescent :EGFP ; mcherry ; EYFP
FOR Cell line : CMV Promoter / with two selection marker: EGFP & Purmycin
FOR Cell line : CAG Promoter & T7 Promoter / with two selection marker: Purmycin + T2A + EGFP
FOR Cell line : CMV Promoter & T7 Promoter / without Seletcio Marker
pFor Cell Line CRISPR/Cas9 D10A Nickase Vectors
For Cell line : CMV Promoter / Nickase D10A Cas9 / Puromycin or Neomycine / need order 1 Pair
For Cell line : CMV Promoter / Nickase D10A Cas9 / mCherry or EGFP or EYFP / need order 1 Pair
For cell Nickase D10A 4 In 1 vector : 2 sg RNA / D10 Nickase Cas9 / Puro + EGFP
pCRISPR/Cas9 (for Insect CRISPR /Cas9)
For Insect : OPIE2 Promoter / swu6 Promoter / Amp or Zeocin
for rice vectors : Ubi Promoter/ optimization mpCas9 / rU6 promoter / 35S Promoter / selection marker:Hygr ; Bar ; GFP
pFor Dicots Plants CRISPR/Cas9 Vectors
Ubi Promoter/ optimization dp Cas9 / atU6 promoter / 35S Promoter / selection marker:Hygr ; Bar ; GFP ; KanR (NOS)
pFor Monocot Plants CRISPR/Cas9 Vectors
Ubi Promoter/ optimization mp Cas9 / wU6 promoter / 35S Promoter / selection marker:Hygr ; Bar ; GFP ; KanR (Nos)